♦Legislation repealing the mandatory helmet law for riders 18+ (1978)
♦Legislation to fund motorcycle safety courses (1982)
♦Started providing PSAs to promote motorcycle safety and awareness (2000)
♦Sponsored Legislative Days at our State Capitol (2000)
♦Developed the Road Hazard program, rider skill maps, impaired riding program, and Share The Road program (2004)
♦Legislation making blue-dot taillights legal for motorcycles (2004)
♦Legislation repealing the petty offense motorcycle exhaust law (2008)
♦Organizational plates allowed on motorcycles (2009)
♦Legislation repealing the motorcycle handlebar height restriction (2015)
♦Legislation allowing vertical display of motorcycle license plates (2017)
♦Legislation allowing concealed carry of pistols on motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles (2020)
♦Began organizing Accident Scene Management motorcyclist first aid training courses through Road Guardians (2023)