Week 4 was very busy as all bills had to be filed by Thursday and we ended up with 486 bills and many, many resolutions so we will be busy in the next few weeks. The Appropriations Committees in both the House and Senate are starting to hear all the bills sent to them with money and dealing with cuts.
One of the open positions in the House was filled with Jack Kolbeck of Sioux Falls - he replaces Rep. Tony Venhuizen who was appointed Lt Gov. Jack is former Senator that was term limited last year. There is still one vacancy due to a resignation.
Our big issue is SB 116 - street racing so take a look at the bill.
There are alot of bills to review and see if they affect you. Have a great week!
Bill allows an individual registering as a voter to designate optional contact information as not for public inspection. Bill was amended and then bill passed House 40-28
Bill modifies provisions pertaining to unethical conduct and improper collection of fees relating to assistance or referrals in a veterans benefit matter - thought I would add this bill for those of you interested. Hearing on 2/3 in Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Hearing again on 2/10
This bill voids covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession of use of firearms and ammunition. Bill was amended and then passed House 60-1.
This bill describes aggravated criminal entry of a car with intent to steal a firearm, makes offenders ineligible for presumptive probation with a penalty
Bill modifies requirements on use of mobile electronic devices while driving. Must be hands free. Exception for agriculture equipment while driving - bill passed committee 9-4
Revises passenger limits for restricted minor's driving permits - one passenger under 18. Bill passed House 65-2. Now goes to the Senate
Bill allows for share the road emblem specialty plate for bicycles. Bill was amended for an emblem on a plate. Then bills passed 64-3 in the House
Bill establishes the crime of aggravated careless driving with penalty. If you are 20 miles over the posted speed limit you could lose license for 1 year. Exceptions for work or school attendance.
Current Status: Bill was withdrawn by sponsor
This bill basically updates the federal motor carrier regulations to 2025 and is a dept bill. Bill passed committee and bill was amended on Senate floor and then passed 35-0. Bill passed House committee 13-0 and passed Senate on consent.
Current Status: On Gov's desk
This bill increases the penalty for commercial driver violations to $20,017 against the employer and $3,861 for the driver for 1st time conviction and $7,723 for the 2nd and subsequent conviction. There is one other fine also listed so check the bill. Bill was amended and then passed Senate 30-4. Bill passed House committee 10-3. Bill passed House 54-14
Current Status: On Gov's desk
Bill increases the drivers license fee from $28 to $38 and a name change from $15 to $20. Also lists additional costs if revocations occur for some violations.
The Commercial License increases from $33 to $43 and knowledge test is $20.00. Bill is in Senate Appropriations Committee - hearing is on 2/10
Bill modifies requirements for a vehicle approaching a vehicle that is stopped or occupying the shoulder of the highway with warning lights flashing. Changes shall to must. Bill passed committee 7-0 and passed Senate 32-0. Bill passed House 68-0.
Current Status: On Gov's desk
Bill revises the description of highways included in the state trunk highway system Bill passed Senate 34-0. Bill passed House committee and passed House on consent.
Current Status: On Gov's desk
This bill imposes a motor vehicle technology fee to support and enhance technology used to administer motor vehicle services. The fee is $2.00 per transaction. This includes motorcycles. Hearing is set for 2/5 in Senate Transportation Committee and was sent to Joint Appropriations Committee to be decided during budget discussions.
Bill requires an indication of US citizenship status on your drivers license or permit. Bill was amended to include a non-driver identification card and then passed 8-1. Bill passed Senate 32-3.
Bill permits the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail. There are also exemptions for other types of vehicles that can be on the trail - snowmobile, emergency personnel, etc. Bill passed committee 6-1 and passed Senate 33-2.
Bill prohibits the use of a firearms code for transactions involving firearms, accessories, components, and ammunition with penalties. Bill was amended and passed committee 8-1 and passed Senate 33-2. The amendment creates a new section in law.
Bill prohibits payment of rebate of insurance deductibles by contractors providing car repair services. This includes garage, repair shop, or body shop. Bill passed committee 9-0 and passed Senate 35-0. Hearing in House on 2/10
Bill exempts trailer manufacturers and trailer dealers from certain provisions regarding motor vehicle dealer license requirements. Bill passed Senate 20-15.
Bill revises and repeals provisions to street racing prohibitions with penalty. Bill was heard in committee and concerns were brought up about the person organizing a motorcycle event and getting permission from Dept of Trans or local authorities. We were able to get an amendment to fix the issue of person organizing an event would not be subject to any penalties. We still have questions about the permission aspect of an event on public areas. Private property events are not affected in this bill. Sen Mehlhaff and Sen Duhamel both have been very helpful in trying to get questions answered. Bill passed committee 5-2 and is on the Senate floor. I am concerned that bill will pass so we may have to work on changes in the House. We continue to try and make some changes as some feel this is too broad of a bill. We all want to help crack down on street racing on public highways and roads.
Bill establishes an electronic system for vehicle titles. Bill passed committee 7-0 and is on consent in the Senate.
Revises and repeals certain provisions related to seat belt with penalty. Deals with ages of kids.
Bill includes certain types of vehicles in the abandoned titling process. Bill has hearing on 2/10
Bill modifies requirements for off road vehicle dealers at special events. Hearing on 2/10
This bill is the general budget bill for 2026 and will be the last bill we deal with in session as it lists all the funding.
This bill repeals the sales tax reduction from 4.5% to 4.2% that was passed a couple years ago. Returns sales tax to 4.5%
All these numbers are title bills (bills with no content). These bills can be used for most anything during the session. Legislators put them in because they didn't have time for an actual bill or they might need them at the end of session. We will be watching these to see what actual bill gets put on them.